Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Art work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Art work - Essay Example From the artwork, I can see a lot of amazing things. First, I see a very large compound composed of a building that looks like a temple. It stands out conspicuously located for everyone to clearly see exactly what it is. From inside, there are other panels and small dragons which surround the Monkey. Also identified is a well-curved sculpture of Buddha. This is quite symbolic because it has a significant role to play in the lives of Chinese Buddhists who regard the Dragon Monkey as a spiritual figure in their religion. Basically, as already hinted, the artwork can be related to the book Money: A Folktale of China in which the author was aiming at providing a detailed story of the mysterious and magical paths of the Dragon Monkey in his pursuit for heavenly powers. As examined by Wu in this book, the Dragon Monkey passed through a very long journey before eventually becoming a spiritual figure in Buddhism. At one point, Wu describes the dragon, ‘This determination it was that led him to leap clear of the toils of Re-incarnation and turned him at last into the Great Monkey Sage, equal of Heaven’ (Page 14-15). This shows that he was a respected religious figure whose powers were legitimately granted and above those of anyone else. From this statement, the Dragon Monkey was indeed a respected and revered deity amongst the Buddhists. The descriptions given in the book relate to the panting. The compound shown in the painting clearly shows how religious these people were. Also, the attachment given to the dragon indicates that it was Buddha himself who would determine how he would control the life of his followers. When he chose to use the Dragon Monkey, everyone had to accept because he was their overall father. In conclusion, the lessons learnt from the Ceiling from the Hall of Great Wisdom (Dazhidian) at the Temple of Wisdom Attained (Zhihuasi), Beijing and Monkey: A Folktale of China proves that art is
Monday, October 28, 2019
Effects of the use of web-based tools in Blended Learning Essay Example for Free
Effects of the use of web-based tools in Blended Learning Essay Technology has made a deep impact on all aspects of human lives ranging from communication to learning and enhancing individual performance. The conventional classroom is slowly being replaced by computer based training and online learning environments that has penetrated remote corners of the globe via the Internet. The use of information and communication technologies in education has transformed traditional methods of learning and teaching practices. The personalized learning environment offered by the online medium has great potentials and can influence the learning process to a considerable extent. Technology has been a great enabler of transforming and re-defining the way a system operates and the wide variety of applications that it can support. Many web based learning environments use innovative technologies that have revolutionized the learning process over the past few years. Distance learning through the use of collaborative tools and technologies available has made significant breakthroughs in the field of learning. In the past few decades a number of tools and technologies have emerged that has enabled the users to adopt distance learning courses and training departments are using it to provide cost effective means of implementing learning and development programs for their employees spread across the globe. The online learning environment is supported by various types of tools that provide high level of interactivity and collaborative features enabling participants to exchange messages, files, videos and presentations. This kind of technology is increasingly being used in a wide range of applications ranging from facilitating electronic discussion between students to enabling distance learning programs through web conferencing. The revolution in communication and information technology has had a profound effect on the teaching and learning process. The change is visible in developing learning communities online. Most of the countries and even developing economies are stressing on the use of computers as an instructional medium. E learning encompasses a wide variety of tools and technologies that can be used to stimulate the learning process in an individual. With the help of this technology a variety of online learning services are made available ranging from online searches, tutorials, college courses, and professional courses to professional training and individual development programs. The E learning model adopts high level of audio and video interaction integrated with graphics and animation tool to present the learning module in an attractive format. Educational institutions and business organizations are increasingly adopting the e learning model for learning and training purposes. E learning is being increasingly used as a solution for delivering online learning regardless of physical locations or time constraints. The whole world has become an increasingly connected global community that can share ideas and exchange information through the Internet. More people across the globe are turning towards the latest technology gadgets that have made communication channels smoother and faster. It has proved to be a big resource for individuals who would like to learn a new skill or train themselves in new fields while pursuing their current employment. Hence, E learning field has provided new and better learning opportunities extending its reach beyond university campus and corporate learning centres. Blended learning – an overview Blended learning has been described as a â€Å"phrase introduced by the distance learning community in recognizing the value of synchronous learning activities, like face to face interactions with instructors and collaborative work with peers, as complements to activities performed asynchronously by individual learners†(Howard et al. , 2006). The blended learning system includes both web based learning and traditional classroom learning environment. The web based learning system provides the students with self paced learning modules that they can pursue at leisure and convenience depending on their learning capacity. This learning environment also provides E learning tools that enable live discussions and online learning programs. The conventional classroom settings are used to clarify doubts and queries regarding the course content and student progress. An effective learning environment facilitates interaction between the learners that increases the scope to exchange ideas and opinions, share experiences and assess their level of understanding on the subject matter. A classroom environment provides this kind of face to face interaction enabling the students sharing the same learning goals to coordinate with each other, communicate their ideas and information. Jonassen (1988) has stated in his works that the effectiveness of any learning environment is based on the types and levels of cognitive and metacognitive activity engendered in the learners. It is widely accepted that learning is enhanced in instructional settings where students are engaged in processing personally relevant content and are reflective during the learning process. Learners that participate in active learning activities find learning a more pleasurable and increasingly effective than engaging in monotonous lecture sessions. Online learning provides the learners with the scope to explore the topics and study related theories that increase their level of understanding. The key ingredient to a successful computer based learning application is its ability to interact with the student and direct the flow of learning in accordance with the student capability. The visibility and presentation of information through attention grabbing graphics and multimedia tool make this a more effective learning platform. Once the attention of the student is on the learning tool the application needs to stimulate the learner’s curiosity that in turn leads to search for answers and in-depth study of the learning module. The most effective teaching method involves a high level of interaction between the teacher and the student. A dedicated teacher is one who understands the student’s learning capacity and his shortcomings and guides him through with effective feedback. A two-way communication between the teacher and the student is very effective in the learning process. Computer based learning applications are continually striving to achieve the human to human interactivity level and have been quite successful in this venture with the aid of multimedia based technologies. Blended learning combines the positive aspects of both conventional classroom learning and online learning to provide an enriching learning experience to the students. Web-based tools There are wide varieties of computer-mediated communications technologies that enable manage and support E learning. These tools have facilitated extensive collaboration and communication protocols providing an enriched learning environment. Some of these tools are email, chat, video conferencing, web conferencing, newsgroup, blogs, forums, virtual classrooms, and message boards. Synchronous and Asynchronous tools â€Å"E learning is commonly referred to the international use of networked information and communications technology in teaching and learning. It refers to educational processes that utilize information and communications technology to mediate asynchronous as well as synchronous learning and teaching activities†(Naidu, 2006). Both synchronous and asynchronous tools can be used effectively to communicate, exchange and form ideas and information on a specific subject matter. Synchronous E learning is live, real time facilitated instruction, and learning oriented interaction that enables learners to use electronic means to collaborate and participate in live forums. The root of synchronous E learning has been derived from three main influences: the classroom, the media, and the conference. The virtual classroom uses highly interactive forms of synchronous E learning tools to simulate a conventional classroom environment. White-board, discussion rooms, and break out areas are some of the concepts used to enhance interactivity between learners in a virtual classroom. Naidu (2006) also observes that most of the applications are built around the synchronous learning model that makes use of tools like virtual learning environment, rapid E learning, web casting, web conferencing, video conferencing, webinars, live E learning, and e conferencing. These synchronous E learning tools help in connecting dispersed learners, facilitating real time interaction and collaboration, fostering a sense of immediacy and co-presence, developing a learning community, and enabling access to subject matter expert resources. This kind of learning environment rules out gender and personality dominance that tends to overpower in a traditional classroom setting. It encourages learners towards better teamwork, collaboration skills, strong motivation and extended peer support (Naidu, 2006). Asynchronous tools like emails, electronic forums, online discussions, blogs, provide a platform for students and teachers to discuss ideas and opinions on a specific topic. This form of E learning is â€Å"commonly facilitated by media such as email and discussion boards, supports work relations among learners with teachers, even when participants cannot be online at the same time†(Hrastinski, 2008). This provides a form of flexibility to the learners since they can access learning materials and information any time according to their convenience. The learners can log on to an E learning environment and access training materials, receive and send messages to peers and tutors. In higher education, learners can pursue online courses while taking care of other commitments. Asynchronous E learning tools have the advantage of enabling users to access information and pursue their subject matter with greater degree of concentration allowing the mind to process the information at leisure. However, it also has some significant drawbacks that include greater learner discipline since the learner has to take initiatives to login and make use of the information and tasks involved in learning process. This kind of learning process is more impersonal and isolated as compared to synchronous learning tools that enable live interaction (Ashley, 2003).
Saturday, October 26, 2019
The Age of The Renaissance :: The Renaissance
The Middle Ages is considered by many historians a time period of ignorance, where little or no advancements took place. The church was the center of attention, and instead of a philosophical view of the world, beliefs were centered around superstitions. On the other hand, the rebirth of education and advancements that followed the Middle Ages and was labeled as the Renaissance. There have been arguments as to whether the Renaissance is actually a separate time period, or instead, just a high point of the Middle Ages. The Renaissance was definitely a distinct era. Inspiration from the ancient Greek and Roman people led to humanism beliefs and encouraged man to become multi-talented. Therefore, the Renaissance man, a man who excelled in many areas, became prominent. Also, the ideals of the people changed, and religion no longer ruled their lives. Advancements in all aspects of life virtually improved. Thus, many aspects lead to the change from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, a ti me period that was undoubtedly distinct from the Middle Ages. During the Renaissance, ideas and beliefs changed greatly. Humanism, a crucial movement to the Renaissance, stressed secular ideas and beliefs and the importance of advocating human’s ideas and values. The movement drew inspiration from the ancient Greek and Roman people. Therefore, classical education began to circulate once again (document 1). The people of the Middle Ages had great amounts of ignorance and believed in faith and false ideas while focusing on childish possessions, but during the Renaissance these ignorant beliefs disappeared and humanism took its place (document 2). The church was no longer the center of life for many and some lost interest in the traditional beliefs that the church was preaching. Yet, it was still an important aspect. The church had lost large amounts of power and wealth due to the humanism movement because people became less reliable on the church and could think and follow ideals on their own. But, the church was rapidly changing during this time period also, because religion was focused on wealth and the money it could obtain (document 5). Instead, many supported the idea that the people who held secular beliefs should be ruled by noblemen that were scholarly, highly educated, and not only concerned with goods (document 5). Entirely new ideas and beliefs began to circulate during the Renaissance, and the church lost much of its great influence.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
hackers Essay -- essays research papers
     Computer hackers in today’s world are becoming more intelligent. They are realizing that people are constantly developing more hack proof systems. This presents the hackers with a bigger challenge and a bigger thrill. The government is realizing this and is working on making harsher laws to, hopefully, scare away potential hackers. With the increase in hacking and the hackers intelligence, governmental regulation of cyberspace hasn’t abolished the fact that it’s nearly impossible to bring a hacker to justice.           Hackers do not have consequences because of the laws that the government has passed. Most hackers are good enough to cover their backs, and their trails, and phone calls. If a hacker is caught, he or she can face a long jail sentence. Unfortunately, they do not spend a long jail sentence. It is extremely hard to determined how to penalize a hacker. First we need to determined if this crime has effected anyone, and whether or not this crime has caused damages and loss of money to the victim. What it comes down to is the age of the hacker, I feel that their age should not be taken into consideration. Because hacking is extremely difficult to accomplish, so the hacker has knowledge of what he or she is doing. Hacking is extremely complicated crime to commit, it takes years to learn to how to hack correctly. When one hacks for pleasure or for profit they should both have the same con...
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis for Dennis Baron Essay
Making English the official language legislated on August 1, 1996, with Congress. A college professor, of English at the University of Illinois, wrote an essay called, â€Å"Don’t Make English Official-Ban It Instead†by Dennis Baron. The essay had appeared in the Washington Post on September 8, 1996. The given claim that Baron makes is that English should be banned. There were six given reason Baron stated and one of the few were English is not pure English anymore, English would die out, and English ownership, who it would belong to. He continued to support his reasons and give examples. Many of his reasons consisted of his analogies, humor, and point of view. Dennis Baron’s satire is effective for the defending opponents of the official English bill because of his overplayed satirical humor, along with his use of sarcasm; although his satire is not effective for the opposing opponents because of his lack of evidence, his choice of a one-sided argument, and his assumptions about what would happen with banning English through-out the satire. Even if the British are now our allies, there may be some benefit to banning English today. †(Baron 870) is one of many satirical humor that Dennis Baron used; defending opponents of the official English are effected here because of how he mocks the British. Another use of his humor is when he states, â€Å"We wouldn’t have to worry about whose English to make official. (Baron 870) After Baron sated this, he questioned whether it to be, â€Å"English of England or American English? Of Chicago or New York? Of Ross Perot or William F. Buchley? †(Baron 870) The defending opponents of the official English bill were effected by Dennis Baron’s satirical humor, as well as the sarcasm, throughout his satire. With his sarcasm and humor, he had given a few evidence with this usage.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Mohandas Gandhi
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Who can be wise, amaz’d, temperate, and furious, loyal and neutral in a moment? ~William Shakespeare On October 2, 1869 in the town of Porbandar, in what is now the Gujarat province of India, a son was born to the local prime minister and his wife. That child was named Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, later known to millions of Indians as the father of their nation. He lived an ordinary boyhood in the seaport town and attended school in nearby Rajkot. As a boy he attended temple near his home and readings were taken alternatively from the Hindu Bhagavad Gita and the Moslem Koran.(Gold) Since his city of birth was a seaport, looking out into the world, it hosted nearly 2 dozen religions. This would help greatly in developing a tolerance and acceptance for all religions.(Erikson) As is custom in the Hindu religion he was married in an arranged ceremony at age 13, his wife was a mere 10 years of age. Despite the difficulties before them, they fell in love and became a source of strength unto each other. Their marriage lasted some 60 years. In 1888 when Mohandas left for England to pursue a law degree, he left his widowed mother, his wife, and his son Harilal who was only a few months old at the time. Although leaving home was difficult, Mohandas was greatly determined to obtain his degree. Once in London he felt very uncomfortable. (Gold) This and his Indian ethnicity pushed him to the fringes of English society. The people he soon began associating with were the vanguard of social thought in England at the time and their influence on him was strong. It was at this time that he was introduced to the Christian Bible, delved deeper into vegetarianism, and got his first glimpse of what it was to be Indian through Western eyes. Through hard work and strength of mind, on June 12, 1891 passed his examinations and was called to the bar. On June 11 he was enrolled to the High Court and the next day saile... Free Essays on Mohandas Gandhi Free Essays on Mohandas Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Who can be wise, amaz’d, temperate, and furious, loyal and neutral in a moment? ~William Shakespeare On October 2, 1869 in the town of Porbandar, in what is now the Gujarat province of India, a son was born to the local prime minister and his wife. That child was named Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, later known to millions of Indians as the father of their nation. He lived an ordinary boyhood in the seaport town and attended school in nearby Rajkot. As a boy he attended temple near his home and readings were taken alternatively from the Hindu Bhagavad Gita and the Moslem Koran.(Gold) Since his city of birth was a seaport, looking out into the world, it hosted nearly 2 dozen religions. This would help greatly in developing a tolerance and acceptance for all religions.(Erikson) As is custom in the Hindu religion he was married in an arranged ceremony at age 13, his wife was a mere 10 years of age. Despite the difficulties before them, they fell in love and became a source of strength unto each other. Their marriage lasted some 60 years. In 1888 when Mohandas left for England to pursue a law degree, he left his widowed mother, his wife, and his son Harilal who was only a few months old at the time. Although leaving home was difficult, Mohandas was greatly determined to obtain his degree. Once in London he felt very uncomfortable. (Gold) This and his Indian ethnicity pushed him to the fringes of English society. The people he soon began associating with were the vanguard of social thought in England at the time and their influence on him was strong. It was at this time that he was introduced to the Christian Bible, delved deeper into vegetarianism, and got his first glimpse of what it was to be Indian through Western eyes. Through hard work and strength of mind, on June 12, 1891 passed his examinations and was called to the bar. On June 11 he was enrolled to the High Court and the next day saile...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Sentence Imitation in English
Sentence Imitation in English In rhetoric and composition studies, sentence imitation is an exercise in which students study a sample sentence and then imitate its structures, supplying their own material. Also known as modeling. Like sentence combining, sentence imitation offers an alternative to traditional grammar instruction and a way of fostering stylistic dexterity. Examples and Observations Sentence imitation has a long history. Students imitate the structure of sample sentences with their own content. Usually, this helps extend students repertoire of grammatical structures. Depending on the sample sentences, students can learn how to use appositives, participial phrases, subordinate clauses, or parallel structure (among others) in their writing. They dont have to know the names of the structuresin fact, I started teaching imitation by naming the parts of the sentences (The sentence starts with an infinitive phrase . . .) and just about destroyed my students interest before I learned that they could imitate without naming anything. Once they understood the idea of imitation, they became avid imitators, bringing in sentences for me to use with the class and sharing their imitations generously.(Deborah Dean, Bringing Grammar to Life. International Reading Assoc., 2008) Sample Imitations MODEL SENTENCE: The gallows stood in a small yard, separate from the main grounds of the prison, and overgrown with tall prickly weeds.George Orwell, A Hanging(Write a sentence according to the pattern of the model sentence.)IMITATION: The dog shivered in the background, wet from nosing his way through the early-morning grasses and covered with damp cocklespurs.MODEL SENTENCE: He went through the narrow alley of Temple Bar quickly, muttering to himself that they could go to hell because he was going to have a good night of it.James Joyce, CounterpartsIMITATION: They stood outside on the wet pavement of the terrace, pretending that they had not heard us when we called to them from the library.MODEL SENTENCE: I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.Henry David Thoreau, WaldenIMITATION: I greeted him politely, althoug h I planned to challenge him repeatedly, to assess his erudition, to test whether he could discriminate what was expedient in each situation, and, after I had probed him thoroughly, to announce that we had no place for him in our organization. (Edward P.J. Corbett and Robert J. Connors, Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student, 4th ed. Oxford University Press, 1999) Finding Model Patterns One effective way of experimenting with various styles and of broadening your store of sentence patterns is to imitate (or mimic) the style of other good writers, writers you respect...The best place to find model patterns is in your reading. The process is simple and enjoyable: pick out sentence structures that you like from the work of professional writers and imitate their patterns, replacing their words and ideas with your own. To assure that you can pick out these patterns accurately, you have to be able to do three things:(Adrienne Robins, The Analytical Writer: A College Rhetoric. Collegiate Press, 1996) Identify the base clause.Identify the additions.Identify the connections between the descriptive parts of the sentence and what they describe. ​​Imitating a Sentence by John Updike Almost anyone can read with pleasure the sentence in which John Updike tells us what it was like to see Ted Williams . . . hit a home run in his last at bat on September 28, 1960: It was in the books while it was still in the sky. . . . How hard is it to write a sentence like Updikes? Well, lets try. What you need is a hinge word that ostensibly separates distinct temporal states, but actually brings them together to the point where there is no temporal distance between them. Here is my (relatively feeble) attempt: It was in my stomach before it was off the shelf. Now, Im not going to make any great claims for my sentence, but I will say that it is a game attempt to approach Updikes art by imitating it, by arranging clauses in somewhat the same way he does in order to achieve a somewhat similar, if decidedly minor, effect. And once you get the hang of itof zeroing in on a form that can then be filled with any number of contentsyou can do it forever. She was enrolled at Harvard before she was conceived. He had won the match before the first serve.(Stanley Fish, How to Write a Sentence and How to Read One. HarperCollins, 2011) R.L. Stevenson on The Sedulous Ape Whenever I read a book or a passage that particularly pleased me, in which a thing was said or an effect rendered with propriety, in which there was either some conspicuous force or some happy distinction in the style, I must sit down at once and set myself to ape that quality. I was unsuccessful, and I knew it; and tried again, and was again unsuccessful and always unsuccessful; but at least in these vain bouts, I got some practice in rhythm, in harmony, in construction and the co-ordination of parts. I have thus played the sedulous ape to Hazlitt, to Lamb, to Wordsworth, to Sir Thomas Browne, to Defoe, to Hawthorne, to Montaigne, to Baudelaire, and to Obermann. . . .Perhaps I hear some one cry out: But this is not the way to be original! It is not; nor is there any way but to be born so. Nor yet, if you are born original, is there anything in this training that shall clip the wings of your originality. There can be none more original than Montaigne, neither could any be more unlike Cicero; yet no craftsman can fail to see how much the one must have tried in his time to imitate the other. Burns is the very type of a prime force in letters: he was of all men the most imitative. Shakespeare himself, the imperial, proceeds directly from a school. It is only from a school that we can expect to have good writers; it is almost invariably from a school that great writers, these lawless exceptions, issue. Nor is there anything here that should astonish the considerate. Before he can tell what cadences he truly prefers, the student should have tried all that are possible; before he can choose and preserve a fitting key of words, he should long have practised the literary scales.(Robert Louis Stevenson, The Sedulous Ape, 1887) Teaching Imitation in Composition (1900) The value of imitation in teaching composition is too often overlooked. . . .The nature of intelligent imitation, its selective nature in choice models, the progressive nature of the model ever becoming more refined, more ideal, could not easily be made more apparent. That so many literary men of originality and genius have made so large use of imitation in the development of their style and method of thought, seems to lend much evidence in favor of a more liberal use of imitation and its methods in other lines of education. The claim has already been made in this paper, and I wish to emphasize it here again, that while imitation in itself is not originality, it is the rational method of developing originality in the individual.(Jasper Newton Deahl, Imitation in Education: Its Nature, Scope and Significance, 1900) Sentence-Imitation Exercises Sentence-Imitation Exercise: Complex SentencesSentence-Imitation Exercise: Compound SentencesSentence-Imitation Exercise: Creating Sentences With CommasSentence-Imitation Exercise: Creating Sentences With Semicolons, Colons, and Dashes
Sunday, October 20, 2019
buy custom Milestone 2 First Draft Cyberschool essay
buy custom Milestone 2 First Draft Cyberschool essay Introduction In the current global market, Cyber Schools are on the increase and this is attributed to the fact that nowadays many schools have opted to adopt the online service provision because of the current trends in technology. Furthermore, such schools are assisting students and their families from the struggles that may be arising from the need to meet the requirement to pay for tuition. Cyber schools, which are also known as virtual schools or just online schools, are considered to be tuition-free educational institutions where everything is entirely based on the Internet. In the United States, cyber schools are approved by the state and they are designed in a way that will allow different students attain public school education just from their homes, and it may even start from as low as pre-kindergarten to 12th grade level (Patriot-News Editorial Board, 2009). Therefore, this research study assumes that Cyber Schools way of teaching is considered to be the most effective and efficient wa y of educating students within the current world. Cyber school attractions In this form of learning, students are normally allowed to posses a personal computer, enough learning textbooks, a high-speed Internet connection, and other educational resources that will assist them in effectively completing their assignments in time. Majority of cyber schools in the United States are recognized and even present a more thorough and precise curriculum when compared with the traditional brick-and-mortar learning institution. In this case, a learning management system is an online portal that assists students in submitting their completed assignments. The Faculty and staff members in cyber schools consist of state-certified tutors who normally correspond with their students by the use of Web chat, telephone and/ or electronic mails. Attending classes does not go like the traditional brick-and-mortar learning institution, but in this case students are taught by the use of a computerized format that is comparable to the video-chat program Skype. This format enables students to have a better interaction with their teachers and also one another on virtual mode (Craver, 2002). Student privacy is an aspect that fundamental in the overall success of the student in educational realm, and in this case it has to involve with the access to confidential data and security information. With introduction of Cyber schools in the current market, this is an aspect that is enhanced in both schools and homes. Where the accss to such information and data is only guaranteed when the right password is provided as requested. Internet accessibility and its application is a better way to do research as it becomes easier to carry out research in regards to various projects that relates to class work. Projects requiring an intensive research on information like history reports, bibliographies, and different literature pieces, can effectively be worked on by the use of the Internet, especially during study time at school and/ or home (Marzano, 2003). Cyber schools have also proved to be effective when it comes to updating student by their tutors on the current issues and events, especially when teaching social studies or history. This helps in keeping the class updated with the current events in the world. Internet accessibility at home or school allows student to frequently access their mails and other personal web pages. Cyber school distractions All a long Cyber schools have always been considered to be the best mode of offering education to students, but as time goes by, there are a number of distractions that are connected with the aspect of investing so much in this mode. First, the aspect of self-motivation is always at stake, since students are not obligated to attend classes when turning in their assignments, it may be difficult for them to comprehensively complete and hand in their assignments within the required time frame. When not motivated, one is more likely to relapse in studies and probably sink completely. Secondly, success in education comes with how a student is well organized both at home and school, and this can be achieved by ensuring that one is all material and resources needed are kept well. Sharing of computers can cause major interruptions in study, where books and notes used for certain projects may turn out to being misplaced (Marzano, 2003). Another issue that is found within the mode of Cyber schools is the aspect of having slow response. In this case, a student may sometime have questions for the tutor, but the problem may arise when responses are delayed due to unknown reasons. This is normally the beginning frustrations and confusion for students and in the end will always have a negative impact on the overall capability and capacity of a student. Despite the fact that most of the cyber classrooms have turned out to be more interactive, especially through chats and different forums, most students are prone to feel a sense of seclusion, since there are no social gatherings for them to enjoy together, and this another problem that ccan be caused while at school or just from home (Craver, 2002). There are other distraction received in the cases of Cyber schools, which are possession of IPods, cell phones, music, television, friends, and wanting to visit other non-educational websites for personal reasons. Parental controls over Cyber Schools Cyber schools offer the best chance for students to get access to a lot of material through surfing the net and other online resources, but this is an act that can either build a student or destroy him or her completely. Therefore, a control mechanism is supposed to be put in place to ensure that one is only restricted to certain sites over the Internet, and this is supposed to start right from home, where explicit materials are blocked and no one will be able to access them. Involvement parents in controlling the use of the Internet will also help in ensuring that electronic mails received and sent are effectively controlled, and this will also assist in blocking of spam mails, which may turn out to be more for distraction (Marzano, 2003). On the other hand, controlling of Internet application by parents may completely take trust away from student and in the end have a negative impact to their relationship with their parents. Again in the process of blocking various sites and materials, one might end up blocking wrong material of which may be of help to the student. Therefore, this is a process that needs to be clearly looked into before everything is carried against it, especially when considering the best impact it has caused in the current educational system (Marzano, 2003). Societies View on Cyber School The benefits of Cyber schools has greatly played a significant role in enhancing views of the society that student comes towards the effectiveness of the highlighted mode of learning. The society is able to understand that the system is aimed at incorporating better and faster learning processes within the overall learning process. In this way, educational tax collected from education procedures will be lowered and thus turning out to be advantageous to many families, especially when it comes to spending of finances. The society is also witnessing the cases of less violence being reported as many students are not faced with issues that may distract them and probably cause havoc (Patriot-News Editorial Board, 2009). Therefore, the society has welcomed the idea with an open mind and is ready to support it for the purpose enhancing learning process in the whole continent. Buy custom Milestone 2 First Draft Cyberschool essay
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Feminism in Much Ado About Nothing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Feminism in Much Ado About Nothing - Essay Example From the feminist perspective, the relationship between the two main characters reflects greatly on the overall feelings of the sexes in general. In the play Much Ado About Nothing, Beatrice and Benedick's opinions regarding love and relationships, and the presentation of the concept of love and relationships in the play, both demonstrate how Elizabethan times mistreated the female role, emphasizing the concept of radical-cultural feminism, and also how the male code of honor can bring a man do collapse and devastation. The Radical-Cultural feminists believe that women should encompass their femininity because it is better than masculinity. Mary Daly advocates finding the "wild female within". This type of radical feminist sees sex and penetration as male dominated. They see a link between sex, female subordination, porn, rape and abuse. These must be eliminated, according to Cultural-Radical feminists. Yet another opposing view is that reproduction is the source of power for women. They believe that men are jealous of women, and that they try to control reproduction through means of technology. In order to set the stage for the initial criticisms of marriage, Shakespeare first introduces his audience to the set of conventional lovers, Claudio and Hero. These two characters undergo a relatively predictable and acceptable type of courtship. However, another important aspect is presented in this relationship, that reflects on the concept of feminism. The progression of Claudio and Hero's relationship demonstrates to the audience how women were very much dominated by men. For instance, Claudio states, "can the world buy such a jewel," when referring to Hero. This metaphor is important because it reflects Claudio, the male's, perceptions of the female, Hero, as an object, and not as an actual living, breathing individual. Even Hero's father refers to her as an object to be owned. For example, Hero's father, Leonato, states: 'If the Prince do solicit you in that kind, you know your answer." This demonstrates the fact that Hero has no control over her own life; even if she does n ot like the Prince, she must agree to a marriage. Hero, however, is the typical dutiful Elizabethan daughter; during this time, and considering her status, she was a mere pawn in this patriarchal society. According to Eleanor Bron: Elizabethan women were expected to bring a dowry to the marriage. A dowry was an amount of money, goods, and property that the bride would bring to the marriage. It was also referred to as her marriage portion. After marriage Elizabethan women were expected to run the households and provide children. Large families were the norm as the mortality rate for children and babies was so high. Many Elizabethan woman made arrangement for the care of their children in case they themselves died during childbirth. Thus, she must do and say as her father says, and then later, as her husband says. She is therefore not allowed to think for herself; she is simply told what to do and expected to do what she is told. This presentation of Hero's character and situation
Friday, October 18, 2019
Business Report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Business Report - Coursework Example We will also ensure that we maximise our profit. There are financial risks that occur in this type of business. Furthermore, some problems with the customers may occur. All these problems should be solved in order to achieve our goals. 2. Introduction Through our research, we found out that Witney; in Oxfordshire do not have an independent shop that sells toys. Our main targets are the kids. We realised that the demand of electronic and traditional toys at this town is very high. Jay and I have decided to run this new business venture. We agreed to start a partnered business. This business will have two stakeholders i.e. Jay and me. Our vision in this business venture is to ensure that our customers are served with the best products in the market as well as ensuring that we achieve our business goals which maximising profit with minimal costs. It is our responsibility to ensure that this vision is achieved without incurring unnecessary costs. We will also ensure that risks are reduce d to the best of our ability. Our starting cost will include ?25,000 that we borrowed from the bank and ?25, 000 from my savings account. Jay will not contribute anything from his account. This report will deal with the type of business we chose and the research we have done on this business. It discusses the reasons why we chose this business. It will also touch on our target customers and the possible problems that we will face in this business. 3. Main body The type of business we decided to operate in is the general partnership business. This is a business entity that involves two or more partners who agreed to do a business. We chose this business entity because it is easy for two of us to run. We will be sharing profit and losses equally. In addition, both of us are liable to any debts that may occur. This business entity was also the best for us because it does not require a notarial deed. We will make our agreement private i.e. the agreement will only be between me and Jay. 3.1 Procedures for General Partnership establishment Weiss et al. says there is no formality in forming our general partnership. This is because our agreement is private. We decided to write an agreement in order to avoid future misunderstandings. However, there are rules that govern the business partnership. For our partnership to exist, we must first register it by following the rules from Company Act 2006 (Van, 2007:21). For us to form this company, we must first give our names to the memorandum of association and ensure that we comply with the requirements that are needed for one to register our company. The registrar must receive the memorandum of association form our company. For us to be registered, we must submit our company name, postal address location and business entity of the company. We should also state that our company is a private one. After all these, the application will to be delivering to the England’s registrar of companies (Degenhardt, 2010:54). After o ur company has been approved, Partnership act 1890 should also be adhered to. For our partnership to exist, there rules that must be followed. The partnership should ensure that we share profits equally as stated by our agreement. Both of us will be liable to all company’s debt. Our partnership will now have a firm name. We will manage our business fairly. Profits and control of assets will be done equally (Degenhardt, 2010:59). 3.2 Financial risks There are possible financial risks that are likely
NYPDs Stop & Frisk Practices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
NYPDs Stop & Frisk Practices - Essay Example Cracking down on criminals while they least expect it helps lower crime rates. Stop and frisk procedure help reduce the amount of contraband or weapons carried around by suspect criminals (Lamberth, 2011). Since suspect criminals know they risk getting frisked and searched, they choose not to carry any incriminating material on them. This helps contribute to increase safety around the New York environs. A decrease in the number of weapons, drugs or other criminal contraband assists in curbing illegal undertakings in the New York state environ. The stop and frisk procedure also assists in maintaining officer safety. Officers are able to check on their safety by risking individuals whom they suspect to be dangerous. The stop and frisk procedure accord officers the right to frisk and search someone who pose a risk to their safety. If an officer gets to stop and frisk an individual and finds a weapon, then the officer may have protected his or her life (Lamberth, 2011). If the weapon was to be used on the officer, it would put his or her life in
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Metallgesellschaft Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Metallgesellschaft - Case Study Example MGRM's Supervisory Board avoided bankruptcy by liquidating its forward delivery positions in December 1993. MGRM had begun to experience significant growth since 1989 when it acquired 49% stake in Caste Energy as part of its efforts to become a fully integrated oil business in the United States. As MGRM continued to make a series of costly expansions, its fixed-assets values tripled between 1989 and 1991. In a continuing effort to expand its US business, MGRM entered in to forward delivery contracts with Energy end-users at historic low prices during the summer of 1993. However, these contracts exposed MGRM to the risk of rising energy prices. To hedge this price risk, MGRM acquired energy futures at NYMEX and entered into OTC swaps with large OTC swap dealers. However, since future markets do not trade in very long term (10 years in this case), MGRM's strategy was to concentrate its derivatives positions in stacks or short-dated futures. Similarly the swaps had to be rolled forward continuously. MGRM's strategy exposed it to various risks. Its short-dated positions left it exposed to rollover risk. If the prices had risen, MGRM would have made substantial profits. And the opposite was true in case of the prices falling. However historically, energy prices have always shown an upward trend. Over a period of ten years prior to 1993, the energy market had been predominantly in backwardation. MGRM was betting on Energy prices continuing to rise. However, as shown by Edwards and Canter, its rollover risk was only about 15% of its price risk. Had the market been in backwardation, MGRM would have made handsome profits. But in 1993, crude oil was in contango every month, heating oil was in contango every month except March and April and gasoline was in contango every month except August. As a result, MGRM made substantial rollover losses during 1993. MGRM was also exposed to funding risk since its strategy was that of one-to-one hedge instead of a "minimum variance" hedge. This strategy would have worked had there been a one-to-one relationship between forward and spot energy prices. In that case, a fall in the spot prices would have been balanced by an equal and opposite change in the value of its forward delivery contracts. However, as shown by Edwards and Canter, a one-to-one relationship between spot and forward prices does not exist in the energy market. MGRM was also exposed to credit risk due to the long duration of its forward-supply contracts. And once the prices started to fall, this risk further increased as with the increased disparity in spot and contractually fixed price, the risk of the smaller firms defaulting also increased. Finally, MGRM was also exposed to basis risk due to the one-to-one hedge ratio. The timing of the investment in derivatives also went against MGRM. As stated above, 1993 proved to be disastrous year with energy market in contango for most part of the year. The huge size of MGRM's rollover trade was also responsible for increasing these risks. MGRM's huge holdings, equivalent to 160 million barrels, meant that other firms would have looked at MGRM before taking any steps. The size of MGRM's rollover trade could have also been indirectly responsible for pushing down energy prices. Hedging or Speculating There is some debate over whether MGRM's strategy was hedging or speculation. Culp and
Statistical data in a business context that requires a decision. Use Research Paper
Statistical data in a business context that requires a decision. Use probability concepts to formulate a decision - Research Paper Example The consultancy guarantees that it will give the restaurant the perfect forecast or perfect information about its daily sales. With the perfect information the restaurant will know in advance how many hamburgers will be sold each day. In taking this decision, the expected value concept has been applied. This has resulted in minimization of uncertainty of decision making for the restaurant. The restaurant should stock 200 burgers everyday. This will maximize its profit from the sale of hamburgers. Statistical decision theory or Bayesian decision theory finds much application in business decision making. Managers of small and large businesses find it very useful. It is named after Reverend Thomas Bayes. Reverend Bayes was trying to prove the existence of God through the application of probability when he came upon his decision theory (Richard I. Levin, David S. Rubin
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Metallgesellschaft Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Metallgesellschaft - Case Study Example MGRM's Supervisory Board avoided bankruptcy by liquidating its forward delivery positions in December 1993. MGRM had begun to experience significant growth since 1989 when it acquired 49% stake in Caste Energy as part of its efforts to become a fully integrated oil business in the United States. As MGRM continued to make a series of costly expansions, its fixed-assets values tripled between 1989 and 1991. In a continuing effort to expand its US business, MGRM entered in to forward delivery contracts with Energy end-users at historic low prices during the summer of 1993. However, these contracts exposed MGRM to the risk of rising energy prices. To hedge this price risk, MGRM acquired energy futures at NYMEX and entered into OTC swaps with large OTC swap dealers. However, since future markets do not trade in very long term (10 years in this case), MGRM's strategy was to concentrate its derivatives positions in stacks or short-dated futures. Similarly the swaps had to be rolled forward continuously. MGRM's strategy exposed it to various risks. Its short-dated positions left it exposed to rollover risk. If the prices had risen, MGRM would have made substantial profits. And the opposite was true in case of the prices falling. However historically, energy prices have always shown an upward trend. Over a period of ten years prior to 1993, the energy market had been predominantly in backwardation. MGRM was betting on Energy prices continuing to rise. However, as shown by Edwards and Canter, its rollover risk was only about 15% of its price risk. Had the market been in backwardation, MGRM would have made handsome profits. But in 1993, crude oil was in contango every month, heating oil was in contango every month except March and April and gasoline was in contango every month except August. As a result, MGRM made substantial rollover losses during 1993. MGRM was also exposed to funding risk since its strategy was that of one-to-one hedge instead of a "minimum variance" hedge. This strategy would have worked had there been a one-to-one relationship between forward and spot energy prices. In that case, a fall in the spot prices would have been balanced by an equal and opposite change in the value of its forward delivery contracts. However, as shown by Edwards and Canter, a one-to-one relationship between spot and forward prices does not exist in the energy market. MGRM was also exposed to credit risk due to the long duration of its forward-supply contracts. And once the prices started to fall, this risk further increased as with the increased disparity in spot and contractually fixed price, the risk of the smaller firms defaulting also increased. Finally, MGRM was also exposed to basis risk due to the one-to-one hedge ratio. The timing of the investment in derivatives also went against MGRM. As stated above, 1993 proved to be disastrous year with energy market in contango for most part of the year. The huge size of MGRM's rollover trade was also responsible for increasing these risks. MGRM's huge holdings, equivalent to 160 million barrels, meant that other firms would have looked at MGRM before taking any steps. The size of MGRM's rollover trade could have also been indirectly responsible for pushing down energy prices. Hedging or Speculating There is some debate over whether MGRM's strategy was hedging or speculation. Culp and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Springer's Article on African American Women Essay
Springer's Article on African American Women - Essay Example She argues that feminism has lost its connection with empowerment. Women remain locked into a life of being there for everyone else while trying to maintain a sense of self. The bitter black woman image perpetuates the loss of empowerment or loss of self. "For the films discussed in this essay, when black women leave work and become homemakers they lose themselves and their connection to being black" (272). This means that black women negate their freedom, and will be seen as lazy for not remaining in the workforce. Black women now have an important duty: to remain educated and uphold the race through continued achievements (272). Through these achievements, black women are then viewed as divas or evil black bitches. The term diva formerly described lauded opera singers, but is currently defined as "a powerful and entertaining, if pushy and bitchy, woman" (255). The evil black bitches image has risen due to editing methods utilized on reality t.v. shows. These women are seen as villains, manipulate other persons and situations, and are hostile without reason. The power of editing making it possible. According to Springer, the image that is portrayed within the play Diary of a Mad Black Woman is the bitter black woman.
How the Maid Made a Difference Essay Example for Free
How the Maid Made a Difference Essay Maid in Manhattan is one of the many Hollywood movies which portrayed the typical fairytale clicheâ€â€a love that went wrong but with the couple eventually ending happily ever after. The movie rose above the usual chick flicks in the industry through its capitalistic twist, nonetheless. Marisa Ventura, the hotel maid and single mother from the Bronx, and Chris Marshall, a successor to an American political dynasty, crossed paths and consequently fell into each others’ hands and hearts. The on-screen chemistry of the two artists, as well as the romantic, light, and interesting flow of the plot evidently captivated millions of audience worldwide. Not many, however, might have seen the presence of a deeper elaboration of significant and pressing issues in the movie. An allegory regarding ethnicity and culture, Maid in Manhattan was successful in revealing the ongoing plight of Latin immigrants in the United States. Due to their brown skin color, native tongue, and diverse beliefs, these individuals have been usually employed in blue-collar jobs, as depicted in the movie. The hotel in which Marisa worked in was headed by purely white Americans, with brown-bloods like her assigned for housekeeping. When Marisa’s friend pushed her into applying for the vacated managerial position, she initially declined due to the fact that black or brown was and still remains to be the opposite of white in terms of class status. Aside from the manager application scene, a number of other portions in the movie clearly showcased the same idea in order to emphasize the continuous emergence of cultural inequity. Marisa and Chris’ romance flourished despite their differences in ethnicity and culture. It is necessary to note, however, that during the first time Chris saw Marisa, he did not take notice of her since she was merely a hotel maid cleaning the senatorial candidate’s bathroom. Once Marisa donned the white Dolce and Gabbana suit of Caroline, one of the hotel guests, Marisa turned from ugly duckling into a beautiful swan in the eyes of Chris. This, indeed, is an example of commodification of identity. According to Knadler, this idea signifies the strong power of products and commodities in developing a political representation in society. Unfortunately, however, the political voice and visibility of an American usually depends on his â€Å"whiteness†or financial capacity. As shown in the movie, the physical appearance of Marisa greatly affected how Chris admired and understood her. In addition, it seemed that if the politician met Marisa as her real self, the profoundness of her political opinions with respect to issues such as electoral publicity and housing programs would seem less believable and significant for him. Hence, it can be said that intelligence is inevitably correlated to social class. Caroline’s friend Rachel also judged Marisa’s intellectual capacity during another suite scene. Rachel’s remark that Marisa knew only little English for she was of Latin descent visibly portrayed political prejudice based merely on the difference between skin pigmentation. This kind of misconception is known as victimization ideology, the power and control of vital social institutions to create weakness in a certain class or group (Faun). Unfortunately, this power and control is defined by monetary value. The financially deprived thus continue to end up as underdogs in the field, leaving them lower than they already are. Nevertheless, these conflicts should not be blamed solely outside the group of American immigrants. They, too, are internally outlawed by their own political and social inhibitions. Brown-bloods like Marisa learned to depend too much on the norms readily established in the society that they overlook the fact that these norms are merely standards; these do not dictate yet only inform them how they should live their lives based on a historical point of view that is not their own. It was Marisa’s mother, though, who was significantly captured by these biases and discrimination that she was the one directly trying to put her daughter down. She saw Marisa as a housekeeper and only as a housekeeper for, according to her, that is what the society has supposedly established for Marisa. This limited and narrow outlook regarding one’s concept of self is hence determined and shaped by both outward and inward influences. Maid in Manhattan successfully utilized the abovementioned scenes in order to bring forth an image explaining how cultural differences greatly affect social and working relations to its audience. However, the way in which the viewers comprehend this image is dependent on what group these people hail from. In my opinion, if it were a white-skinned audience, these specific scenes may imply how American immigrants are dedicated to their jobs, whatever this may be. Conversely, if those who are watching this film are of the same heritage as Marisa, then their perception of the movie would be fairly different. In my opinion, the movie serves as a venue for American immigrants to shatter borders and to assimilate themselves with the white culture. This act of multicultural integration remains to be their aspirationâ€â€their dreamâ€â€in a world divided by money and power. Moreover, the brown-skinned audience would very much appreciate a film regarding their own social and political plight. Despite the â€Å"white-washing†of entertainment nowadays, films like these are still produced in the attempt to introduce the culture of the Latin descent and to communicate change in society (â€Å"Ethnic†). Visibility in Media is indeed a positive and necessary step in order to create more meaningful grounds for the harmony and amalgamation of ethnicities. This multicultural integration in Maid in Manhattan is denoted by two symbols, both related metaphorically to Chris and Marisa’s marriage. First is the actual bind of person-to-person through matrimony. In the context of the movie, nevertheless, the connection established was between and among races. This signifies the mergence of people, no matter what their skin complexion is, where they came from, or how much they earn monthly. In addition, the main characters’ marriage represented the unity of ideologies and cultures that define both parties. Individuals may co-exist with each other despite the differences of their beliefs, traditions, and lifestyles as long as they learn to compromise and adapt to each other’s way of living. These two concepts of â€Å"marriage†in Maid in Manhattan uphold egalitarianism, â€Å"a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people†(Weebies). Though the battle for human and racial equality is still not completely won, there will always be hope not only in the future but in one’s self. â€Å"Although we serve them, we are not their servants. What we do does not define who we are. What defines us is how we rise after falling,†shared Lionel, Marisa’s co-housekeeper in the hotel. Indeed, classes may rise and fall. Mistakes may be done once or all over again. Money can change or damage. Love can make us happy or sad. Whatever occurs in our lifetime, one thing remains the same: we are all humansâ€â€humans like everyone else, humans who can make a difference. We just have to believe that we can create our own identity and destiny. Works Cited â€Å"Ethnic and Visible Minorities in Entertainment Media. †Media Issues. 2008. Media Awareness Network. 10 Apr. 2008 http://www. media-awareness. ca/english/issues/ stereotyping/ethnics_and_minorities/minorities_entertainment. cfm. Faun, Feral. â€Å"The Ideology of Victimization. †Insurgent Desire. 1992. Black and Green Network. 10 Apr. 2008 http://www. insurgentdesire. org. uk/victimization. htm. Knadler, S. â€Å"Blanca from the Block: Whiteness and the Transnational Latina Body. †Genders Online Journal. 2005. Anne Kibbey. 10 Apr. 2008 http://www. genders. org/g41/g41_ knadler. html. Maid in Manhattan. Dir. Wayne Wang. Per. Jennifer Lopez, Ralph Fiennes, Natasha Richardson, Bob Hoskins, and Kevin Wade. Revolution Studios Distribution Company, 2002. Weebies. â€Å"Egalitarianism: The Holy Grail of Socialism. †Strike The Root. 2004. 10 Apr. 2008 http://www. strike-the-root. com/4/weebies/weebies5. html.
Monday, October 14, 2019
What Is Necessary To Be A Hero?
What Is Necessary To Be A Hero? How would the world be, without those people who are always doing something to help others. They are called heroes. Heroes are individuals who demonstrate bravery and altruism for superior and virtuous good of humans when they are in danger. A hero is also someone who can provide his or her existence to people. Although the concept is related with ferocity, a hero is defined as someone with moral brilliance. It is easy to mention several examples of heroes since the beginning of history, but the important thing is that they share some features, which make them different from the rest of people. However, there are some people who think that heroes are just in movies or myths and that they look like athletes or actors (, but the fame or the aptitude are not the characteristics that make a person be a hero. There are three basic characteristics of a hero: the value and dignity of human life, the faith in self and his or her actions, and courage which can confront whatever comes. There are some heroes that are known as noble and that have a wonderful effect on people, such as Mahata Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Most heroes are just normal people that come from family, neighbors, and the community, but something important about heroes is that they respect human life. Heroes respect human life because they take care of peoples lives, and are always fighting for peoples rights to give them the life that they deserve. Heroes expose their life for people and they like to take care of people. They also dedicate their life to make others lives better, since they think that peoples lives are important. They risk their life for others. All these things make their passion for people obvious. Heroes always want to get peoples rights. This kind of problem always happens if they are between people and a high position or organization such as a government or people who work with the government. There is an example of that kind of heroes: Martin Luther King. He made the Africa Americans get their rights. He made them get their freedom. Finally, he achieved his goal. In all, heroes are the hardest times and difficult situations. They respect human life because they know that it deserves it, and that human life is a value or an important gift. They care about people and they also help people get their rights. Everything in human life has advantages and disadvantages. Also, people determine which they choose. Sometimes heroes help people be in good shape or get new knowledge. Nowadays, people pay more attention to heroes because heroes are always doing adventures to draw peoples attention. It can be easy to see that heroes are not regular individuals, since they are not able to do what heroes can do. There are a lot of heroes that are really famous in this time, for example: Iron Man and Spider Man. People believe that they are different and that anyone can be like them because they are not real individuals. People know a lot of things about heroes, but some people think that they are able to be like them and this is impossible because what heroes do is out of imagination and nobody can do it. For example, Spider man is called a hero because he can go up the high buildings and fly in the air without injuries. However, people have to know and believe they cannot do what they watch on the T.V. In contrast, a person can be a hero to someone, or society. People will like the person if he or she is a hero to the whole society. There are some different kinds of heroes that common people look up to, but in a friendly sort of way, like firefighters and police. In some circumstances, they need to risk their lives to save someone else. The important thing to remember is that being a hero is something that starts from the heart. Moreover, everyone dreams of being a superhero. However, as they get older, people will realize that they do not possess the supernatural powers of Spiderman or Batmans primo cache of gadgets. And also they notice the absence of the kind of otherworldly arch nemeses that plague a comic book heroes in the real world. The idea of being a hero is gradually as kids stuff, but while evildoers may not appear in the real world painted up as sadistic clowns, the world has never ceased its need for heroic men willing to come to help those in danger and stand up for what is right. To sum up, people have to read more about heroes to know what happened around them and to know what has to believe. Heroes always do something different from others in order to become more and more famous. Heroism means a person who is always acting to protect other individuals or society in a special way, even though this kind of behavior will risk a persons life. Depending on its nature, heroism requires physical courage, both physical and mental. A traditional hero often risks death or injury. The defiance of death becomes one of the accepted signs of heroism as a way to get peoples attention. A hero may lose his or her life when enhancing others welfare. Actually, the hero considers that the purpose is more important than the risk of death or injury (162). Even though in this century, when saving others, a hero sometimes should face the injury and death. Thus, it is necessary to say heroism needs courage. The physical courage enables the hero to face the difficulties and to do the preparation of surrendering their own comfort in order to achieve their goals. The mental courage of a hero wants him or her to know the accepted truths and yet not be limited by them. In a fairy tale, a child says loudly that the emperor wears no clothes just because of innocence, not courage. However, heroic men are aware of the danger and still want to make people recognize the truth. For them, it is not enough for people to think traditionally and they choose to let the public understand clearly (163). The heroic act may be against the habits and customs of the society. Disagreement is inevitable although supporters do not happily welcome opposition. A hero needs mental strength to keep energy and talent when facing personal loss, difficulties or disapproval. Ostracism or expulsion will take place. Obviously, a hero may be lonely and sometimes cannot get the recognition or encouragement (163). Courage helps a hero overcome the loneliness, regard the disagreement and persist in pursuing his or her goals. Thus, it is almost unnecessary to say that heroism requires courage, both physical and mental. After see these characteristics that are typical or the expected about heroes, there are several characteristics that the real heroes have. As is it mentioned before heroes are not just those ones that we can see in movies, myths, and other fabulous stories. The concept of a hero is more than that, since a hero can be anyone. There are various characteristics that real heroes have, within these are: that heroes are surprising, unfamiliar, normal and conventional, they become heroes by confronting difficulties, they fight for others, and they have no fear. Almost in all the heroic acts people is amazed and surprised by the shocking and unexpected brave action of someone that seemed normal. This is another characteristic of a hero, anyone expect her or his actions, and anyone expect the problem neither. For instance, there is a group of students taking their daily classes, when they are surprised by a huge earthquake, and there is one student who takes the decision to help and save to her or his peers. This is an unexpected action, made it by a normal person, who became a hero in a surprising way. Sometimes people expected good actions or get to know to those famous heroes or super heroes, but heroes can be unfamiliar or unknown persons. Not all the heroes are in the movies, magazines or something more credible like newspaper. The majority of heroes are lack of fame, because not all of them tell to everyone the good actions that they did before. Heroes are normal and common people. How many times did someone see to Spider man or Batman doing something for a child in trouble, or helping to a senior to cross the street? A hero is someone who is doing something good for others, so all the good actions that most of people can see every day are made by heroes. These heroes can be found day to day, no matter if the actions are very little or big and famous, but the real heroes are normal people. If there is no danger or something wrong is not necessary to do something good or to turn a normal person into a hero. Heroes convert into a hero during a situation that demands it. For instance: there are a lot of people sleeping at 1:00am in one of the dormitories, and there is a fire, someones roommate is not able to go out of the dorm so her or his peer decide to help her or him to go out before something bad happened. Another example can be when sometimes there is a kid into the pool playing without parents attention and the lifeguard is distracted by other things, while the kid is drowning in the pool, but there is a normal guy who is near and when he see this, he decide to save the kid immediately. Without these terrible situations either the good roommate or the guy cannot turn into a hero. Even though these heroic actions are not on the newspaper or on the television, there are two persons benefited by them. Also heroes have an original perspective that make them different from others As mentioned before, there are several examples of different kinds of heroes and also different concepts of them. However, there is a convergence between them, and it is that all of them share the same values and attitudes included in their features. All heroes start to do their good actions because they are generally encouraged by the value and dignity of human life, since they know that human life is worthy and they completely understand that because it is always oriented to do something to value human life. Another characteristic of heroes is the faith in themselves and their actions; otherwise, they cannot have the courage to do those unbelievable and brave actions. Thus, with confidence any person can do something for their lives or others lives. Although the heroes that we know have done some incredible actions, every person has inside a hero who has the ability to confront the difficult situations that he or she has to go through every day with courage, respecting others and d oing all the actions with faith (
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The Hidden Meaning of Robert Frosts Mending Wall :: Mending Wall Essays
The Hidden Meaning of Robert Frost's Mending Wall "Mending Wall" is a poem written by the poet Robert Frost. The poem describes two neighbors who repair a fence between their estates. It is, however, obvious that this situation is a metaphor for the relationship between two people. The wall is the manifestation of the emotional barricade that separates them. In this situation the "I" voice wants to tear down this barricade while his "neighbor" wants to keep it. "Neighbor" is here a metaphor for two people who are emotionally close to each other. "Good fences make good neighbors", is a line the author emphasizes by using it two times. The "neighbor" says the line while the main character does not agree with it. He can not see that there is something between them they need to be "walling in or walling out". The "I"-voice sees himself as a good spirited person. He is obviously worried because a person he cares about is shutting him out. He thinks that his "neighbor" is of a dark disposition. "He is all pine and I am apple orchard", the poem says. Pine is a dark tree while apple trees have white flowers. In "Mending Wall" the main character finds gaps in the fence. I believe the emotions between the characters make these gaps. He informs the neighbor and together they repair the fence with boulders. When they meet they argue or have communication problems. This is why they manage to repair the barricade between them. However, I would say that their emotions, especially the main character’s, try to get the boulders off balance so the wall can be leveled with the ground. The balancing of boulders is a symbol of their meetings; "We have to use a spell to make them balance". "We wear our fingers rough", the author writes about the handling of the boulders. One may interpret this to signify that the meetings between these two "neighbors" are very hard on them. This is a long one-stanza narrative poem. All the lines have five stresses and are written in iambic pentameter or blank verse, which was also Shakespeare's chosen meter in his plays.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Autonomy and Society During the Industrial Revolution :: Essays Papers
The Industrial Revolution gave mankind more control over natural forces and made the production of more goods possible. One of the biggest changes from the Industrial Revolution was the movement of the population from a rural setting to the urban areas. Many new cities were created, and most of the already existing urban centers expanded in size. The population of Great Britain, France, and Germany increased by a combined 14 million people between 1831 and 1851.1 Living conditions for all classes were improved, and the people began to live in less poverty than ever before. More people of the time came to have extra money, creating an economy that grew by having a wider domestic base instead of concentrating more on trade. The industrialization of Europe created progress for all, improving the quality of life, and availability of products, as well as help close the gap between proletariat and bourgeoisie. The population was divided into two classes, the bourgeoisie and proletariat. Both groups had differing ideas of culture, society, laws, and general lifestyles. The bourgeoisie, or middle class, was the controlling group, consisting of merchants, tradesmen, and professionals. The middle class was the wealthier class, in charge of factories and involved in governmental positions. In middle class families there was a distinct separation between men and women. The men went out and earned money for the family, while the women stayed at home and raised children. Bourgeois children were treasured by their families, and educated in both schools and at home. "Daily experience shows that it is energetic individualism which produces the most powerful effects upon the life and action of others, and really constitutes the best practical education."2 An education gave the bourgeoisie a sense of superiority over the working class as well as a sense of responsibility for them. The bourgeoisie had a firm belief that the market was the ultimate expression of individual liberty. The middle class society controlled the fate of the working class and oftentimes exploited them to further their own ends, all in the name of improving society. Most middle class people were concerned mainly with gaining wealth, and ensuring that the working class did not rise up against them. The bourgeoisie felt that the lower class was lazy and would be unproductive if they were not properly disciplined. Therefore, working conditions in factories were very difficult on the life of the working class man.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Global Thematic: Technology Essay
History has seen its fair share of technological innovations that were significant and impactful to the people and society of that time period. These advancements in technology brought about monumental changes, for good and for worse. An example of a noteworthy innovation was Johann Gutenberg’s printing press. During the Renaissance, the printing press played a key role in the spreading of new ideas. The use of roads was a technological innovation as well. During the reign of the Roman Empire, roads impacted humankind in multiple aspects of life, such as trade and transportation. After the study of the printing press during the Renaissance, and roads of the Roman Empire, one could make an argument that each was a significant technological innovation and had effects on their respective time periods. The printing press, invented by Johannes Guttenberg, was a technological advancement that had effects on humankind throughout history. Specifically, during the Renaissance, the printing press was impactful on society through the spreading of ideas. The Renaissance, literally â€Å"rebirth,†was a time period in which Europe flourished culturally and economically. In this golden age, philosophers, writers, and other thinkers expressed ideas that were revolutionary to society. Humanism and individualism were big parts of Renaissance thinking. A positive effect of the printing press, these ideas were spread to the public. Martin Luther expressed revolutionary ideas in his 95 Theses, thanks to the printing press. Furthermore, books became plentiful. The printing press catalyzed literacy, since works of literature were no longer a scarcity. Knowledge exploded as every corner of realms of thinking were explored and documented. The printing press, without a doubt, was an innovation of technology that impacted humankind during the Renaissance. An additional advancement in technology was the use of roads. The Roman Empire, a vast kingdom of lands including Europe, North Africa, and Asia Minor, all located around the Mediterranean, was connected through a network of roads. Covering thousands of miles, dirt trails wouldn’t work. The Romans engineered road by laying down large sheets of rock or bricks, fitting them together like puzzle pieces to form a flat surface for trade and transportation. Wheel ruts wouldn’t be present, so travel was possible all year round no matter the weather. During a time period under Augustus Caesar known as Pax Romana, the Romans experienced 200 years of peace, in which trade flourished, cultural aspects of Rome thrived. The entire Mediterranean region was united and stable, thanks to an unwavering road system. A strong central government was able to protect its people and spread its ways to lands far from the center. The Twelve Tables were able to influence people from Europe, North Africa, and Southwest Asia, all because of perfectly engineered roads. A prosperous Roman Empire was able to provide a high standard of living to its people through booming trade, security provided by Roman legions, and a uniform law code. Roads in the Roman Empire were most certainly a crucial technological advancement to its time period. Technological innovations have marked their spots in history, two being the printing press and roads. Humankind and society alike have been impacted by these advancements. The printing press was a driving force in the Renaissance, spreading ideas. Renaissance thinking such as humanism and individualism were spread, and literacy boomed. Roads were also a huge technological innovation. In the Roman Empire, roads were the network connecting the empire, making Pax Romana possible. Roman culture spread, and economies boomed. Following the study of the printing press and roads, and their effects on their respective time periods, one could verify the fact that technological advancements have had effects on humankind and society.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis done on Harley Davidson Essay
Harley Davidson remains as a dominant force in the heavy weight motorcycle industry; upholding 50% share in the heavy weight motorcycles. This year they celebrate their 110th Anniversary proudly as the only major motorcycle manufacturer to completely focus on motorcycles. (Melief, Bundgaard & Hathaway, 2006) Other major players in the Motorcycle Industry are, Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki that also have their other major product lines inclusive of cars, watercraft, musical equipment and etc. Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses of Current and Potential Competitors Porters Five Forces Analysis Source: Vector (2012) Internal Rivalry The heavyweight motorcycle market is justly concentrated with four major companies manufacturing these vehicles. Harley Davidson being one of the most experienced within the industry, Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha are the competitors that are all from Japan. Over the past few years many market for heavyweight motorcycles has increased annually, but experts are predicting even though the market is growing it will slow down in the years to come. (Melief, Bundgaard & Hathaway, 2006) The Competitive challenge is high in motorcycle industry. Most of the time motorbikes are counted as a luxury product and pricing the products can be complex. (Oxbridge Writers, 2012) Harley Davidson offers spare parts, extended warranties, and innovative and environmental friendly motorbikes for their customers, this singularizes them from their competitors. Japan’s companies have marked their success by establishing a strong competitive place in the market using cheap prices as their strategy. This affects customers perception on Harley Davidson’s place in the market and their prices. However, those having a predominant place in this sport do have conflicting interests, i. e. Yamaha and Honda have diversified into musical instrument and other motor vehicles. . (Oxbridge Writers, 2012) This results Harley-Davidson in differentiating themselves as a loyal, specialized Motorbike Company and getting more customers. Harley Davidson has traditionally been the prevailing competitor in this market with taking over 50% of the market share. With time it has fallen to below 50 % due to other companies expanding their heavyweight motorcycle production and growing in the market, focusing on American Consumers. (Melief, Bundgaard & Hathaway, 2006) This is because other products from competitors are becoming less distinguished and is similar to Harley Davidson Products. Recalling, back to the past it was easier to acknowledge Harley Davidson motorbikes for their unique style, but currently Japanese Manufacturers are merging popular designs to their products. As a result motorbikes from manufacturers are becoming more similar over time. This forces Harley-Davidson to focus more on their branding to maintain the customers. This can be an advantage to them, since Harley is known internationally for their brand, many people would prefer a Harley over a Honda or Suzuki. But can also be a downfall since Japanese companies has been improving their products with time. Threat of New Entrants This industry has a very high entry barrier, as it requires high capital to enter to the market. Similar to most manufacturing industries there are significant economies involved in building motorbikes. (NCCU, 2012) The manufacturing price of a similar product is extremely high in this industry even for a small scale. This is basically one of the main reasons there are only four major players in the industry. There are some small-scale motorcycle creators whose business s fully focused on reputation and appeal to motorcycle devotees, to build utterly customized bikes. They do not produce enough motorbikes to threaten the major players in the industry. They do not affect the position of Harley Davidson in the market but can be an added advantage since it increases interest of motorbikes in the public. Threat of Substitutes and Complements Heavyweight motorcycles are a luxury item for the majority of consumers, so there are very less similar substitutes for heavyweight motorbikes that could seriously affect the market and consumers. (Melief, Bundgaard & Hathaway, 2006) The Japanese manufacturers focus their designs more on smaller, quicker motorbikes that is the closest substitute followed by cars and scooters. Heavyweight bikes portray a certain persona, which is a part of the buyer’s influences on choosing a motorbike. Smaller bikes are for different riding styles and purposes. They are designed for a different seating position unlike the heavyweight motorbikes. Passenger cars can be a substitute for heavyweight motorbikes but it is a weak substitute. (NCCU, 2012) Motorbike consumers rarely purchase Harley’s to fulfill transportation wants. Harley Davidson bikes are more of a luxury item than a necessity to travel. Motorbikes maybe easy to travel in heavy traffic and consume less gasoline compared to a car. If a consumer choses a motorbike for the above mentioned reasons, it would be more reasonable to buy a lighter motorbike, which would be easier to handle and fuel efficient than a heavyweight motorcycle. The most profound complement for a heavyweight motorbike is gasoline/petrol. If fuel prices were higher consumers would not consider purchasing a heavyweight bike, because most journeys taken by the bike on such a bike is highly discretionary and will be used for pleasure rather than for transport necessities. Nevertheless, most of the heavyweight bike consumers are willing to pay between $8000 and $30,000 for this luxury vehicle, they would not mind paying just a little extra for fuel. Bargaining Power of Suppliers According to Melief, Bundgaard & Hathaway (2006), â€Å"Harley Davidson operates nearly every stage of the production of a motorcycle, taking raw materials such as steel and basic electrical components and shipping completed motorcycles to its extensive independent dealership network. Because there are many suppliers of all inputs that Harley Davidson requires for its manufacturing operations there is very little that any single supplier can do the exact rents from Harley. †This phrase proves that even if one supplier tries to escalate its profits/prices it would not be much of a deal for Harley to switch suppliers without interruption in production. â€Å"Preferred suppliers†approach reduced the number of suppliers Harley Davidson worked with and improved the quality of the suppliers as well; these long-term contracts and relationship protected Harley Davidson from supplier price increase. (NCCU, 2012) This also grew trust between the suppliers and Harley and their suppliers gained more profit as Harley improved their business. Bargaining Power of Consumers Similar to the Suppliers, Harley Davidson’s customers are of large population of individual consumers, making it difficult to badly affect Harley Davidson’s financial situation by refusing to corporate. (Melief, Bundgaard & Hathaway 2006) Even though Harley’s dealerships are individually owned and operated the companies’ customers are officially their licensed dealers. But the sheer number of dealers that Harley has all over the world makes situation for dealers not much better than individual riders. Harley needs their customers to buy the product in order to gain profit; since Harley is aging they also need to gain more new loyal riders. Each Harley Davidson purchase is by an individual; even though one person would not drastically affect the financial earnings of the company it is essential to sell the individual experience to each customer to reach more Markets and combine these sales to improve financial strength. (NCCU, 2012).
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
HOMEWORK 7 Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
HOMEWORK 7 - Personal Statement Example Other appropriate ratios include return on equity and return on capital employed. Return on equity is the percentage of net profits in relation to equity. This ratio is much more influential in the determination of return that investors releases to the company. The potential to this ratio extends to the determination of investors investment decision point. Return on capital employed is the percentage of net profit in relation to net assets. Return on assets in relation to cash is another ratio used in the determination of return. This ratio is used in advanced profitability issues. The ratio is used to compare return on investment and cash comparison. The ratio is usually stated on an accruing basis. It is crucial to note the fact that these ratios are used for comparative analysis through the data given. Comparison of ratios should be compared with historical data that belong to the company and or industry. Is it wise for a company to lose money on one product if the product is vital to the sale of another extremely profitable product? It is vital to conduct a net benefit analysis. This will determine the profitability level. A number of approaches can determine which product is profitable for the company. It is wise to employ the best decision strategy in arriving at the best point. Approaches used involve the net benefit analysis or the use of net present value method. In this approach, analysis is done for both products and discounting done by employing the best discount policy. The product that yields the highest net present value should be
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
How does the U.S. Economy affect the global economy Essay
How does the U.S. Economy affect the global economy - Essay Example The United states directly buys goods from other countries. The countries that offer their low -priced goods to the American consumers include China, India, European nations, Southern American states. Many United States companies like McDonalds, Unilever, Kentucky Fried Chicken and 7 eleven 24 hours have set up their branches in many major cities around the world.In 2006, "The mighty United States stock market is defying gravity. The unbelievable element is that the Dow Jones Industrial Average--the Americans' main share-price index--is roaring, against a slew of evidence that beyond Wall Street, America's broader economy is in very serious trouble. The Dow has in past days hit a new high, touching 11,720, a level not seen since January 2000, when shares surged off the back of post-millennium hubris and the dotcom boom"(Halligan, 2006, p. 14). This caused many stockbrokers in the United States and other stock exchanges around the world that the United States economy looked ghastly. T his is of course apologies to Al Gore in his inconvenient truth theory. The United States economy had grown by only a lowly 2.6 percent for the second quarter of 2006. This is lower than the 5.6 percent figure from the first quarter of 2006. Evidently, the United States economy is the world's largest economy. For, the United States is the biggest buyer and importer country in the world. Thus, any economic situation in the United States will definitely affect the economies of other countries in the world. The slump in the United States economy has been brought about by the slow down in consumer spending. Another major reason is that the United States housing market had finally cracked open. The house prices were two percent lower than the prior year, 2005. This resulted to the first fall in the value of United States properties starting in 1996. The Americans had borrowed large sums of money to pay for their new homes. This spending spree in the United States had brought the country' s growth and creation of millions of housing related jobs. In response, there was an increase in imported goods from Asia and Europe. Thus, the other countries were able to benefit from the increase in the United States economy. However, the robust housing economy ended sadly. There was a glut in house sales. The stocks of unsold houses was sixty percent higher than the unsold houses of the prior year, 2005. Thus, the people cut down on their spending habits because their income was tied to paying the high debts brought about by the buying of houses. A halt in the buying spree resulted to a low store sales. A slow store sales caused the retrenchment of some of its employees. One reason for the economic downturn in the United States is that the rising cost of oil has been aggravated by the rising inflation problem here (Halligan, 2006, p. 14). In 2006, the world inflationary pressure were increasing, One of the factors creating this world economic debacle is the rising oil prices. However, the impact of rising oil prices on inflation and output is currently muted as compared to prior inflationary periods in the United States and the world. This global imbalance where the global growth rate had hastened to 5.1 percent in 2006 and slowing back in 2007 to the tune of 4.7 percent has caused global imbalances that stayed pegged with the U.S. dollar foreign currency exchange rate falling at another thirty percent has cut into half the U.S current account deficits. However, the U.S. economy had only grown by three percent a year in 2006 an last year, 2007. The current economic slowdown in the United States is caused by increasing inflationary pressures. On the other side of the world, the Japanese economy has been self sustaining and its gross domestic product had risen
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Element Nitrogen Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Element Nitrogen - Research Paper Example Nitrogen is the most abundant gaseous component of earth’s atmosphere constituting 78% by volume.It is colorless, odorless and commonly inert gas.Nitrogen is a gas at room temperature with density of 0.001165 grams /cc. Solid nitrogen lets at 63.35 K and has a boiling point of 77.35 K. It has a relatively low heat of fusion and heat of vaporization of 51.48 J /g and 2.7928 J /mole respectively. Solid nitrogen has specific heat close to water at 1.040 J / g 0 C. Nitrogen has two stable naturally occurring isotopes, 14N and 15N. The predominant isotope being 14N has 99.636% natural abundance. Other isotopes are also noted but are short lived and decay rapidly. Triple bonding in diatomic nitrogen N2 is one of the strongest. Nitrogen has electronegativity of 3.04 and has 5 valence electrons in its outer shell; therefore, nitrogen is commonly trivalent in most compounds. Nitrogen is also non-flammable, therefore, is not combustible. It also has considerably high first ionization an d second ionization energy. Compounds of Nitrogen Nitrogen is non-metallic element. It commonly forms oxide in its different oxidation state. Nitrous oxide (N2O), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are the most common oxides formed by nitrogen. It also forms dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4), and dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) using its higher oxidation state.Nitrogen also forms hydride as ammonia (NH3). Nitrogen combines with Fluorine to form various fluorides like Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3), Dinitrogen tetrafluoride (N2F4), cis-difluorodiazine (N2F2) and trans-difluorodiazine (N2F2). Nitrogen chloride and Nitrogen iodide can also be formed; NCl3and NI3. Ammonia (NH3) Ammonia is a colorless gas with characteristic pungent odor. It has density of 0.86Â kg/m3. It is soluble in water to form basic hydroxide NH4OH. Solubility is increased at lower temperatures. Ammonia has trace concentration in the atmosphere as result of decaying matter. Ammonia and ammonium salts are present in rainwater and some areas where volcanic activity is noted. Ammonia is also present in soil and seawater. It is also found in Pluto, Jupiter and Uranium. The ancient Greek, European alchemists and the romans have historical writings about nitrogen. In 1774,Joseph Priestley successfully isolated gaseous ammonia and he called it alkaline air. Nitric acid (HNO3) Nitric acid is a strong acid commonly called aqua fortis and spirit of nitre. It is also a common oxidizing agent in organic and inorganic chemistry. Anhydrous nitric acid has density of 1.512 g/cm3, melting point of -420C and boils at 830C. Nitric acid partially decomposes to nitrogen dioxide (N2O) at room temperature. Nitric acid has been known since antiquity and is commonly used in alchemy. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Nitrogen dioxide is a reddish gas at room temperature. It is primarily an intermediate in the synthesis of nitric acid and a major air pollutant. It has density of 2.62 g cm-3and boils at 21Â Â °C. Nitric oxide ( NO) Also called nitorgen monoxide. It is a free radical and is unstable in normal conditions. It is a a byproduct of combustion of fuel oils and automobile engines. Nitric oxide is colorless and has denisty of 1.3402 g dm?3, melts at ?164Â Â °C, and boils at ?152Â Â °C. Solubility in water is 74 cm3 dm?3. Dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4) Also called nitrogen peroxide. It is commonly found in equlibrium with NO2. It is known for its oxidizing power and corrosive properies. It is colorless gas with
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Social Science Essay How do Humans Relate to each other
Social Science How do Humans Relate to each other - Essay Example Seeking to find something that they can distinctly understand, or even identify with, as it comes to their overall formation of an opinion. To be able to do this enables a clearer idea, or connection, to not just the person for whom a connection is sought, but also that which they are actually saying themselves. In the end, when all is said and done, how humans interact with each other comes down to finding that which we can identify with in another person and seeking to understand such a realization as it comes to a situation(s) which would have occurred in our own lives. Throughout the history of mankind, situations have arisen that have in return shaped not just the physical, but also ideological mindset that in turn translates into what the mind constructs as thoughts, feelings and ultimately the opinions that are had about things at any given moment. While each situation can be quite different as it comes to a given person, at the root of it can be found an underlying thread of similarity in which another person may find solace in the notion that, to some degree, that which was experienced by them does not isolate them from the rest of humanity, but to some degree, would have been felt by someone else as well. In this instance, a connection would be found and people who may have been complete strangers prior to their introduction, would ultimately find their interaction forever changed by this uniform event that would have held some form of significance to all involved. â€Å"Many people believe that creating the opportunity for personal contact fosters positive attitudes toward members of other groups. Indeed, this assumption provides the rationale for numerous international exchange programs for high school and college students. There are also international â€Å"sister city†programs, wherein a U.S. City pairs itself with a city in another country and encourages the
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